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Use pg_easy_replicate for setting up Logical Replication and Switchover in PostgreSQL

July 13, 2024
~9 mins

Logical replication is a powerful feature in PostgreSQL that allows for real-time data replication between databases. It can be used for performing major version upgrades using a blue/green setup where you have two databases, allowing you to test and switch over to a new version with minimal downtime. Logical replication can also be use to facilitate database migrations between different environments, using the same technique and tooling.

In this post, I will describe the process of setting up simple replication and switchover between two databases using pg_easy_replicate. For the purposes of this post, we are using Aurora RDS PostgreSQL. However, the principles and steps apply to any PostgreSQL database.

What is pg_easy_replicate?

At its core, pg_easy_replicate is a CLI orchestrator tool that makes the process of setting up and managing logical replication between PostgreSQL databases a breeze. It’s designed to ensure zero data loss and minimal downtime, making operations like major version upgrades, load testing with blue/green database setups, and other similar tasks more manageable.

Working with pg_easy_replicate

The tool itself isn’t responsible for syncing data, but it takes care of setting up all the logistics required to ensure that you, as a developer, don’t need to do those things yourself manually.

I usually prefer to execute the commands as one-off tasks in the environment and network that have access to the database. Usually, it’s a container or pod in a production environment running the shayonj/pg_easy_replicate:latest Docker image.

Lets gets started.

Modifying Aurora PostgreSQL Parameters

First, you will need to ensure that your Aurora Database is setup for logical replication. Start by updating the following parameters.

  1. rds.logical_replication
    • Set this parameter to 1 to enable logical replication capabilities on your instance.
  2. max_replication_slots
    • Set this to at least 2 for each group you intend to replicate since pg_easy_replicate sets up one publisher and one subscriber per group. If planning for multiple groups, increase this number accordingly.
  3. max_wal_senders
    • This should match or exceed the number set for max_replication_slots. It controls the number of concurrent Write-Ahead Logging (WAL) sender processes.
  4. max_logical_replication_workers
    • Generally, set this equal to the number of max_replication_slots to ensure each slot can be actively processed by a dedicated worker.
  5. max_worker_processes
    • Increase this parameter to accommodate the total of max_logical_replication_workers, autovacuum_max_workers, and max_parallel_workers.

These parameters are adjusted in the AWS Aurora parameter group associated with your database. Applying changes will require a reboot of your instance to take effect.

These should apply to other Postgres installations too, except rds.logical_replication. In other installations, it’s the standard wal_level config.


Step 1: Install pg_easy_replicate

pg_easy_replicate can be installed via RubyGems or Docker, based on your environment setup. I usually run these from within a containerized environment. At Tines, we use Tines Stories to kick these off without needing to exec into any production environment.

Step 2: Set Up Environment Variables

Define the source and target database URLs in your environment. The source is the primary database where all the data resides. The target is the database to which you are replicating the data.

export SOURCE_DB_URL="postgres://USERNAME:PASSWORD@source_host:5432/SOURCE_DB"
export TARGET_DB_URL="postgres://USERNAME:PASSWORD@target_host:5433/TARGET_DB"

Step 3: User Permissions

To successfully set up and manage logical replication with pg_easy_replicate, the database user must have the appropriate permissions. In Aurora PostgreSQL, you need to ensure the user has permissions to perform replication tasks as well as the ability to create databases and tables.

Here’s how you can set up the necessary permissions using SQL commands:

Grant the necessary role for replication

In Aurora PostgreSQL, you can grant the rds_replication role, which is specifically designed to provide the permissions needed for logical replication.

-- Grant rds_replication role
GRANT rds_replication TO your_user_name;

Allow user to create Databases and Tables You must also ensure the user has the rights to create databases and manage tables, which are essential for setting up new schemas and managing data structure during replication.

-- Grant CREATE DATABASE permission
ALTER ROLE your_user_name CREATEDB;

-- Grant CREATE permission on the schema
GRANT CREATE ON SCHEMA public TO your_user_name;

Assuming the schema your data is in is called public

Step 4: Configuration Check

Run a configuration check to ensure both databases are properly configured for replication. pg_easy_replicate does some pre-flight checks to ensure that base configurations are met.

pg_easy_replicate config_check --special-user-role=rds_superuser

--special-user-role is only required for AWS Aurora or GCP (cloudsqlsuperuser) where they don’t allow superuser permissions on the user.

Step 5: Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a required step and allows pg_easy_replicate to manage some internal state to keep track of the instructions provided. You can use pg_easy_replicate to perform multiple parallel replications on your database. Each replication that you set up is identified as a group in pg_easy_replicate and can be identified through the --group-name flag.

The following will prepare the metadata tables and roles necessary for replication, and also ensure that the schema on the target database matches that of the source, indicated through the --copy-schema flag. It uses pg_dump behind the scenes for the same.

pg_easy_replicate bootstrap --group-name your_group_name --copy-schema --special-user-role=rds_superuser

Step 6: Start the Replication

By default all tables are part of the replication process. If you wish to only include specific tables, you pass a comma separate list through the --tables flag.

pg_easy_replicate start_sync --group-name your_group_name --schema-name public

For faster initial COPY of the data when replication starts, pg_easy_replicate attempts to drop all the indexes before the COPY and recreates them for you post COPY as part of the switchover task (see below for more details). Since this part is still experimental, you can skip this operation using the --skip-recreate-indexes-post-copy flag passed to start_sync.

Step 7: Monitor the Replication

Once the replication has started you can monitor the stats (returned in JSON ) using stats command. Depending on how big the database is and the number of replication workers, it can take a while for tables to report the replicating status.

pg_easy_replicate stats --group-name your_group_name

  "lag_stats": [
      "pid": 66,
      "client_addr": "",
      "user_name": "jamesbond",
      "application_name": "pger_subscription_database_cluster_1",
      "state": "streaming",
      "sync_state": "async",
      "write_lag": "0.0",
      "flush_lag": "0.0",
      "replay_lag": "0.0"
  "message_lsn_receipts": [
      "received_lsn": "0/1674688",
      "last_msg_send_time": "2023-06-19 19:56:35 UTC",
      "last_msg_receipt_time": "2023-06-19 19:56:35 UTC",
      "latest_end_lsn": "0/1674688",
      "latest_end_time": "2023-06-19 19:56:35 UTC"
  "sync_started_at": "2023-06-19 19:54:54 UTC",
  "sync_failed_at": null,
  "switchover_completed_at": null


The write_lag, flush_lag, and replay_lag tell you how far behind the workers are, in terms of kilobytes, for performing those specific operations.

pg_easy_replicate exposes additional attributes like sync_started_at, sync_failed_at, and switchover_completed_at for the respective group. You can use this information to keep track of the overall process.]

Step 8: Perform the Switchover

Depending on what you are using pg_easy_replicate for, you may not need to using switchover.

pg_easy_replicate doesn’t kick off the switchover on its own. When you start the sync via start_sync, it starts the replication between the two databases. Once you have had the time to monitor stats and any other key metrics, you can kick off the switchover.

switchover will wait until all tables in the group are replicating and the delta for lag is <200kb (by calculating the pg_wal_lsn_diff between sent_lsn and write_lsn) and then perform the switch.

Additionally, switchover will take care of re-adding the indices (it had removed in start_sync) in the target database before hand. Depending on the size of the tables, the recreation of indexes (which happens CONCURRENTLY) may take a while.

The switch is made by putting the user on the source database in READ ONLY mode, so that it is not accepting any more writes and waits for the flush lag to be 0. It’s up to the user to kick off a rolling restart of their application containers or failover DNS after the switchover is complete, so that your application isn’t sending any read + write requests to the old/source database.

pg_easy_replicate switchover --group-name your_group_name

You can control the delta size for your operations using --lag-delta-size flag. Default is 200 kb.

Optional Step: Cleanup

Use cleanup if you want to remove all bootstrapped data for the specified group. Additionally you can pass -e or --everything in order to clean up all schema changes for bootstrapped tables, users and any publication/subscription data.

pg_easy_replicate cleanup  --group-name your_group_name --everything

What to Watch Out For

Switchover strategies with minimal downtime

For minimal downtime, it’d be best to watch/tail the stats and wait until switchover_completed_at is updated with a timestamp. Once that happens you can perform any of the following strategies.

Note: These are just suggestions and pg_easy_replicate doesn’t provide any functionalities for this. See conclusion on whats coming soon 👀.

Rolling restart strategy

In this strategy, you ideally have a change ready to go which instructs your application to start connecting to the new database. Either using an environment variable or similar. Depending on the application type, it also may or may not require a rolling restart.

Next, you can set up a program (thinking a bash script on loop) that watches the stats and waits until switchover_completed_at is reporting as true. Once that happens it kicks off a rolling restart of your application containers so they can start making connections to the DNS of the new database.

DNS Failover strategy

In this strategy, you have a weighted based DNS system (example AWS Route53 weighted records) where 100% of traffic goes to a primary origin and 0% to a secondary origin. The primary origin here is the DNS host for your source database and secondary origin is the DNS host for your target database. You can set up your application ahead of time to interact with the database using DNS from the weighted group.

Next, you can set up a program that watches the stats and waits until switchover_completed_at is reporting as true. Once that happens it updates the weight in the DNS weighted group where 100% of the requests now go to the new/target database. Note: Keeping a low ttl is recommended.


Using pg_easy_replicate to handle logical replication on Aurora PostgreSQL is a simple and effective way to manage database replication and switchover. I hope you found this post useful. I am sure at some point in future this post would get outdate, so I recommend keeping an eye on the Github Readme page for the most up to data information https://github.com/shayonj/pg_easy_replicate

What’s next

I have also been working on a side project to introduce a more managed offering to automate these kinds of database tasks, make “DB Ops” much simpler in PostgreSQL, and provide a more user-friendly UI/UX to manage them. If you are interested in learning more, working together, or have feature requests or just want to jam on PostgreSQL, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me on Twitter/X or via email at [email protected] 🙂.

last modified July 13, 2024